Nearby cities
- Saint-Brieuc : 20 km / 20 minutes
- Dinan : 40 km / 30 minutes
- Guingamp : 55 km / 40 minutes
- Saint-Malo : 70 km / 1 hour
- Paimpol : 65 km / 1 hour
- Rennes : 80 km / 1 hour
- Morlaix : 110 km / 1 hour and 20 minutes
- Lorient : 120 km / 2 hours
- Brest : 165 km / 2 hours
- Nantes : 185 km / 2 hours and 20 minutes
How to come?
From Rennes or Saint-Brieuc: leave the RN 12 exit Lamballe Centre. Follow the direction Centre Ville then Hôtel de ville. We are located next to Crédit Agricole near the Town Hall. Our establishment is indicated by brown urban signage strips.
From the coast: on the approach to Lamballe, follow the direction Centre Ville then Hôtel de ville. We are located next to Crédit Agricole near the Town Hall. Our establishment is indicated by brown urban signage strips.